Tailored Solutions


Economic, humanistic, and clinical outcomes of a drug , a device or a method , should be considered and valued using pharmacoeconomic methods, to inform local decision making whenever possible. Pharmacoeconomics identifies, measures, and compares the costs and consequences of drug therapy to healthcare systems and society.Healthcare costs can be categorized as direct medical, direct nonmedical, indirect nonmedical, intangible, opportunity, and incremental costs ...

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Medical Affairs Consultancy & Advisory Boards Management

We can constitute and manage in all aspects , on behalf of you , an informal group of local medical and pharmaceutical business professionals who can help you run your business better. And because advisory boards are multidisciplinary, we have a great deal of latitude in how we set them up. Advisory boards can be structured both to help with the direct projects of your company and to keep you informed on various business, scientific , strategical , legal and financial trends that may affect the future of your operations ...

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Medical Translation

Because of the highly technical, sensitive and regulated nature of medical texts added to the necessity that most countries around the world require that literature and labeling associated with medical devices or pharmaceuticals sold have to be translated into their national languages , we are deploying our best practices to assist you through this field. We perform the translation of technical, regulatory, study , clinical or marketing documentation, software or training content for the pharmaceutical, cosmetics , medical device or healthcare fields , for a large variety of sponsors and partners ...

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Training Services

Clinical trials are an enormous undertaking. They can involve thousands of people, tens or hundreds of investigative sites, multiple CROs, and various stakeholders systems interacting and all generating massive amounts of data and processes . Achieving excellence in such a complex action is not a luxury, it's a must . That's why we select reputable and efficient trainers and offer comprehensive uptodate training services to all levels , entities and personnel pertaining to clinical studies ...

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Biomarkers, Central Lab and Clinical biology services & QA

Biomarkers nowadays are largely applied to drug development in a number of distinct ways. First, they may be applied as additional diagnostic measures in a population clinically identified as having the disease. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value all must be considered for such an application.One of the most important uses of biomarkers in drug development is as an indirect measure of disease severity. A number of points should be established for such use: the marker must have a scientific rationale , it should change with disease progression in longitudinal observational studies, and must be measurable and reproducible.

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Pharmaceutical Advertising Regulatory Compliance

Our regional bodies ensure that the information in a health product advertisement is not misleading or deceptive and intervene when an advertisement poses a significant safety concern, when a prescription drug is advertised to a certain or the general public for teh first time in a country.

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